A virtual exhibition organised
by the Federal Foreign Office

Peace processes to which women actively and substantially contribute are more sustainable and more effective. To empower women in peace processes, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1325 in the year 2000. Germany advocates on the ground, regionally and in multilateral organisations for the implementation of the women, peace and security agenda with a view to bolstering women’s rights and strengthening peace.
The Federal Foreign Office supports projects
in these fields worldwide:
Message from
Foreign Minister Heiko Maas
Only when women play an equal role in working to prevent and resolve conflicts do the chances of achieving lasting peace increase. Here is Heiko Maas welcoming you to this exhibition.
An overview of
the project locations
All over the world, the Federal Foreign Office supports female activists and organisations in their efforts to prevent conflict and negotiate peace, to rebuild societies on an equal basis and distribute humanitarian assistance fairly, as well as to prevent sexual violence and promote gender-equitable peace missions. Click on the red marker to see where we support which project.

Project Videos
Who are the activists and organisations that the Federal Foreign Office is supporting? These videos introduce five women representing the full spectrum of these partners.